Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta
Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta
Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta
Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta
Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta
Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta
Going South To The North by The 1984 Jakarta

Going South To The North

Irawandhani Kamarga, Jonathan Ronaldo

Felix Dass


Music & Entertainment


A well known music journalist and long time friend of White Shoes and The Couples Company, Felix Dass finds himself on a journey together to Darwin with the band. In this book he writes about his bizarre experiences together with the band during their Darwin tour.

It's been long known that White Shoes and The Couples Company draws inspiration from a variety of retro Indonesian sounds. But the documentation on Darwin tour portrays a lot of experiences off stage in a casual manner so the challenge is more on how to stay true to the story but still be able to deliver the band's flavour to their fans.

We've chosen Druk typeface by commercial type for the headline, for its sturdy and everlasting qualities. Serif font is still the way to go for long-form text so we've chosen Inknut Antiqua by Claus Eggers Sørensen for the body copy.

The cover is silkscreened over colorplan paper. The content is offset printed on Munken Pure paper.