Irawandhani Kamarga, M Dzulfiqar Nainggolan, Smita Basuki, Joey Fong, Rifkia Utami, Tnajel Van Diest, Farrel Arifin
Project Management
Ryan Makasutji
Key Visual, Graphic Design, Event Graphics, Community
Art & Culture
Melipir is our initiative to decentralize design and literature beyond Jakarta. Ran by our creative events unit Double Happiness and launched last year, we've already hosted five successful events – in Solo, Denpasar, Cirebon, Semarang and Malang. The enthusiastic response from different cities has been inspiring, it was delightful to be able to exchange knowledge and perspectives with creative minds in other regions in Indonesia.
In this work, we play with multiple colors. With consistent application of neon colors, we change the palette in every Melipir event.
Strict grids does not always mean rigid or boring layouts. In Melipir, we developed geometric forms that go further beyond basic shapes and compose them fluidly against a structural grid. This creates a system that is both structured and playful.
We've chosen Franklin Gothic as our main typeface. It is a classic, workhorse sans-serif that had this slightly condensed letterform. This choice of typeface keeps the layout clean, allowing the information to fit comfortably within the playful shapes without feeling cramped.
We also added Off Bit as display font, creating stark contrast against the utilitarian Franklin Gothic font.