Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta
Show The Monster by The 1984 Jakarta

Show The Monster

Irawandhani Kamarga, Elisa Cindy

Evan Aditya from Show The Monster

Social Media, Graphic Design

Art & Culture, Apparel


Show The Monster is the brainchild of artist Evan Aditya. The Jakarta-based brand is focusing in pop art and character design with their signature Topeng Kosong along with many other characters. Now growing bigger, they want to use their existing logo. But they'd like us to upgrade it into a more comprehensive branding system to help them organize their visuals.

Through social media communication we’d like to help Show The Monster to truly celebrate freedom of expression. Show The Monster is a brand that can afford to have fun with boldness, so we developed visuals that have more substance and show more character.